The Makurdi Floods: A Tourist Attraction
Damian Daga
The Makurdi floods have become somewhat a tourist attraction for many residents of the Benue State Capital. After much persuasion from family members to pay a visit to the worst hit part of the town by the floods, I drove my two boys, cousin, uncle, aunty and an in-law through the grid-lock Wurukum Roundabout area where they started their sightseeing from the flooded motor parks.
We gradually braved the tortuous but useful bumps along the Makurdi-Gboko Road area of the Benue State University and made our way to Gyado Villa, also known as Ichar Ihyar. From that point, my family members became dumbfounded on the extent of damage caused by the floods.
As we alighted from the car at Kutcha-Utebe to join the horde of sightseers at the new River Benue Bank (pedestrian way) opposite former RCC Camp, I saw the sign boards around Kyabiz Hotel submerged along with the hotel.
We crossed over the high-way to the other side and behold, a large boat came rowing towards us with passengers who had gone on a trip from the new River Benue Bank through the flooded streets of the area. When they dropped anchor, I decided to go on the trip too. My 6 year-old son quickly opted to go along with me when my uncle and cousin wanted to tag along but were scared. As for my aunt and in-law, they dreaded the idea of going on the boat ride and stayed back. At that point, my 4 year-old son who was initially scared, mustered courage and said, “daddy, I want to go too.”
As I and my family clambered into the solid boat that was hitherto used to convey sharp sand from the river, the boat finally pulled out into the river for the ride that cost 50 naira per person. I then made my way to the other end where the boatman was steering, so that I would get to chat with him.
On enquiry, the boatman, who simply identified himself as Zaki Alias Mai Engine, told yours truly that although he is a fisherman, he is also into several other trades especially water related ones. He went on to tell me that against the belief that they are making brisk business by ferrying people across the flooded areas, the floods have rather affected their previously booming fishing business.
According to him, a litre of fuel costs 130 naira, so it is still difficult for him to conveniently make much gain. However, he plies the trade to make ends meet as well as satisfy the curiosity of people eager to take boat rides across the flooded areas. He added that he has been ferrying people and even ferried cars from the flooded areas since the floods came.
A look at the depth of the water and the strong current as we rowed past former occupied homes which were submerged up to the roofs, I asked Zaki if he thinks the water would recede anytime soon and he said, “oga, this water fit dey here till January next year o.”
As we made our way back to the new River Benue Bank, I wondered how the flooded areas which used to thrive with residents and businesses now thrive on a different form of business – a tourist attraction. That brought one thought to mind, one man's woe is truly another man's fortune.”
The beehive of ferrying activity there is not without the usual patronizing hawkers of sachet water popularly known as “pure water” and other little edibles such as nuts.
In a chat with one of the tourists, Helen Ikyarsha, she said although she was scared, she had wanted to see the hippopotamus and crocodiles said to have been sighted in the area at the beginning of the floods. 6 year-old Jesse Daga too after the trip expressed disappointment on not seeing a hippopotamus.
Another tourist, who stood at the edge of the river, Mrs. Juliet Agbo, told this writer that she thinks the boat rides will help people to come to terms with the extent of damage caused by the floods and thereby learn to appreciate future warnings of impending disasters. “It is frightening how a once inhabited place has suddenly been wiped off by water,” she added.
Meanwhile, a tourist who pleaded anonymity, earlier stated in a lighthearted manner that with the amount of money collected by the boatmen as charge for a sightseeing ferry, the Benue State Internal Revenue Service (BIRS) may as well come in handy to collect tax.
It could be recalled that the Makurdi floods, which came early September when the Lagdo Dam in Cameroun was opened for excess water to escape and besides the Benue State capital, it wreaked havoc in its path, stretching from River Benue to River Niger, among others.
Approximately, tens of thousand people have been rendered homeless with properties worth billions of naira and over 2000 homes lost to the flood reminiscent of the Biblical 40 days and 40 nights flood. The question on everyone's lips is, when will the waters recede? Will the flooded areas continue to be a tourist attraction?
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Water: conserving and keeping it clean
Damian Daga
When the late Nigerian Afro Juju legend, Fela Kuti sang “water e no get enemy...” he probably meant water is appreciated and needed by all and sundry. Water constitutes 70.9 percent of the earth’s surface. Water which is essential for all known forms of life is broken down on earth into 96.5 percent as oceans, 1.7 percent as groundwater, 1.7 percent as glaciers and ice caps, 0.001 percent in air as vapour, precipitation and clouds while only 2.5 percent is fresh-water.
According to Wikipedia, water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state. Water’s scientific name is known as “dihydrogen monoxide.”
Regrettably, even with perceived improved access to safe drinking water, statistics indicate that approximately one billion people, none the less lack access to safe drinking water. With the over 7 billion people on the planet, statistics say that each drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day with most of the water drank embedded in the food eaten. With this comes pressure on water resources which call for sustainable means of using available water resources. This includes consuming less water-intensive products; reduce the scandalous food wastage: 30% of the food produced worldwide is never eaten and the water used to produce it is definitively lost; and produce more food, of better quality, with less water among others.
By and large, the knowledge of our water footprint would greatly enhance our water regimen and the correlation between water and development.
So to say, the important role of water in economic growth can not be over-emphasized. Already, indicators point to the fact that in three decades, the demand for water will exceed supply by 50 percent. If that happens, what would happen to the use of water for sundry uses in agriculture, transportation, etc?
On the one hand, lack of access to safe drinking water is a great public health crisis. It is on record that about 4,500 children die every day from waterborne diseases, which is more than those who die from malaria, HIV-AIDS and tuberculosis combined.
The daily struggle by millions of people to access clean and safe drinking water also hampers development, especially in Nigeria in general and Benue State in particular. This anomaly affects many, from the women who go in search of water to political battles over international rivers to melting icepack and rising sea levels, no one is left out on the long run. Most of the water shortages are caused by the ills of pollution, political unrest, and corruption.
As earlier noted, the availability of water is essential for a healthy economy and a flourishing ecosystem. It is in this light that it becomes pertinent for responsible governments to stop playing politics with the water issue. Rather, balancing the fate of economies with the health of individuals and of the environment as a whole should be paramount.
To this end, all hands have to be on deck to conserve water resources. Little wonder; the World Health Organisation gives the following 10 facts on water:
i.Water scarcity occurs even in areas where there is plenty of rainfall or freshwater. How water is conserved, used and distributed in communities and the quality of the water available can determine if there is enough to meet the demands of households, farms, industry and the environment.
ii.Water scarcity affects one in three people on every continent of the globe. The situation is getting worse as needs for water rise along with population growth, urbanization and increases in household and industrial uses.
iii.Almost one fifth of the world’s population (about 1.2 billion people) live in areas where the water is physically scarce. One quarter of the global population also live in developing countries that face water shortages due to a lack of infrastructure to fetch water from rivers and aquifers.
iv.Water scarcity forces people to rely on unsafe sources of drinking water. It also means they cannot bathe or clean their clothes or homes properly.
v.Poor water quality can increase the risk of such diarrhoeal diseases as cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery, and other water-borne infections. Water scarcity can lead to diseases such as trachoma (an eye infection that can lead to blindness), plague and typhus.
vi.Water scarcity encourages people to store water in their homes. This can increase the risk of household water contamination and provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes - which are carriers of dengue fever, malaria and other diseases.
vii.Water scarcity underscores the need for better water management. Good water management also reduces breeding sites for such insects as mosquitoes that can transmit diseases and prevents the spread of water-borne infections such as schistosomiasis, a severe illness.
viii.Lack of water has driven up the use of wastewater for agricultural production in poor urban and rural communities. More than 10% of people worldwide consume foods irrigated by wastewater that can contain chemicals or disease-causing organisms.
ix. Millennium Development Goal number 7, target 10 aims to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Water scarcity could threaten progress to reach this target.
x.Water is an essential resource to sustain life. As governments and community organizations make it a priority to deliver adequate supplies of quality water to people, individuals can help by learning how to conserve and protect the resource in their daily lives.
Water is indeed life, so let us all try and keep it clean and safe for drinking and other uses.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Ills of the thriving charcoal business
Damian Daga
Published in The Voice on Wednesday 13th June, 2012.
Charcoal is generally known as a dark or black form of carbon obtained by usually heating wood in an enclosed space without air. This charcoal is thereby used as fuel in cooking for either as the following: for drawing, smelting, absorbent, etc. Its use as fuel or fire could be traced back to the introduction of fire use in metalwork, which was developed after 4000 BC. Specifically, artisans, after deploying several other means of heating fire, discovered they could create a hotter fire by burning carbonized (partially burned) sticks and twigs. Eventually, they produced charcoal, a compact, efficient fuel, by slowly smoldering wood in an oven with little air.
This discovery led to felling of trees in forests in order to produce charcoal for several fuel uses which transcended just smelting to cooking, among others. It is appalling to note that this discovery which was made eons ago is still in use in countries like Nigeria in general and in Benue State in particular.
Not too long ago in the 80s, local government areas in Benue State such as Vandeikya had many forest reserves overlooked by the communities or certain families. All that is now in the past as scores of forest trees have been felled without replacement. In place of most forests in these areas are farmlands and homes.
In this regard, the expansionist need superseded the need of these forest owners in reserving the forests. They saw more gain in either felling the trees for timber, charcoal or simply expanding farmlands or homesteads.
The rising cost of petroleum products such as kerosene and gas as well as the high cost of operating electric cookers obviously gave rise to Nigerians embracing the use of charcoal in locally made charcoal stoves popularly known as “Abacha Stove” in the mid 90s. These stoves have a hollow base where charcoal is stoked and lit. It usually takes a while for the embers to properly light but once they do, they burn steadily. This process is said to cook food faster and better. Whether the aforementioned assertion is true or not, the use of charcoal in the long run attracts many environmental ills.
Charcoal making process is considerably easy and cheaper with little investment hence, the rush by the private sector and locals into its production from the available resource in the environment. Most definitely, the cost of using charcoal may augur well for the community but the overall cost in terms of environmental damage cannot be overemphasised. Although its use plays a major role in our economy and energy sector as an ideal fuel, charcoal is never the less a form of “dirty fuel.”
Suffice it to stress that charcoal, which is sold in the local areas of Benue State for 500 naira per bag (averagely 800-100 naira in urban areas), is an in-efficient fuel to produce and un-clean. In comparison, charcoal stoves which are usually out-door used, in as much as they are more efficient to use than firewood stoves still lag behind kerosene, electric and gas stoves.
In essence, the high use of charcoal results to the high consumption of wood which in turn results to more emission of CO2, CO and Cb4. The question is how to produce sustainable basis charcoal without causing deforestation and create a neural carbon cycle. There is no gain saying the fact that deforestation comes with loss of wildlife and other environmental degradation ills such as desertification.
This booming charcoal business which is fuelled by the poverty in the rural areas and sustained by the exploding population among the urban middle class and poor who find it cheaper to use charcoal in place of soaring kerosene price is not helping matters with climate change adaptation in the rural areas and North Central Nigeria. This brings to the fore the need for the National Environmental Standards Regulatory and Enforcement Agency (NESREA) under the Federal Ministry of Environment to step up its regulatory role of protecting forest resources as stipulated by the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora (CITES).
If mitigating moves are not put in place by appropriate authorities in checking the charcoal business, our forests would soon disappear do away with the traditional role of trees providing living things oxygen in the course of photosynthesis. More so, this anomaly coupled with other human activities is responsible for far reaching impacts of global warming and climate change.
To buttress this point, experts assert that only 5 percent of the country’s forest resource is standing, as those felled has not been replenished, as it ought to be. Little wonder, governments usually organise tree planting events year in, year out but do not put properly managed and supervised machinery in place to sustain the growth of the trees.
Asked if he knows the implication of the charcoal he sells in bulk to retailers, a charcoal producer who operates in Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue State, Ahangba Ikyarsha, said he is not aware, although he confirmed that he pays off certain government forestry officials when they are caught transporting the charcoal.
According to Ikyarsha, he sees the business as a good venture to make money without depending on the government adding that he buys the trees he cuts down from locals and subsequently processes into charcoal.
By and large, as a matter of urgency, the introduction of clean and efficient cooking stoves among the Nigerian populace, especially the local ones, which will cut down about 80 percent of the use of fuel will spur the country on the way to sustainable development and a cleaner and more environment friendly cooking practice.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
World Environment Day: The Green Economy Way
Damian Daga
Published 6th June, 2012 in The Voice Newspaper.
When the world first celebrated the World Environment Day in 1973, it was a mile stone event geared towards increasing public awareness on the importance of the environment. For factual purposes, there wouldn't be a world without the environment and a healthy and clean one for that matter. The day as implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) holds every year's 5th June to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action. The day which is similar to Earth Day opens avenues for discussions and concerted actions towards reclaiming the earth and preventing or correcting degradation and other activities that gradually destroy the earth.
As the world yesterday celebrated the environment in this year's (2012) event, the show of undiluted love and need to reinvigorate our actions towards a better environment for sustainable development was aptly covered by the theme: Green Economy: Does it include you? This brings some pertinent questions to the fore.
According to UNEP, Green Economy, which commonly refers to the alternative and more sustainable way of doing business in the world, aims at an improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. So to say, green economy could be considered as an economic environment that achieves low carbon emissions, resource efficiency and at the same time is socially inclusive.
The initiative of green economy came to the front burner in late 2008. With green economy in place, it is envisioned that the provision of comprehensive and practical working machinery, through scrutiny and policy support for investing in green sectors and in greening environmental unfriendly sectors would be achieved.
In practical terms, green economy gives rise to growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, there needs to be a melting point for these investments with support by targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and regulation changes.
By and large, green economy most times seems complex for the common man in as much as it concerns him, which brings up the pertinent question from the 2012 WED theme; what does green economy mean to you? Literary, as much as Green Economy is about social equity and inclusiveness, then technically and practically, it is all about you, you and definitely us all.
Regrettably, here in Nigeria, the emphasis of green economy is yet to make firm grounds, save for Cross Rivers State, which has made bold moves to save her rainforest and in return, has benefited from carbon credit in the REDD++ programme.
Although one may ask why all the fuss about green economy, without recourse to the benefits in terms of environment and other options for sustainability, investing in green economy also creates multitudes of jobs. Needless to emphasise, jobs generation enhances economic growth in any country.
Little wonder, United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, at the last World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland, advocated for a shift to a Green Economy. In his words; “we mined our way to growth, we burnt our way to prosperity. We believe in consumption without consequences. Those days are gone. In the 21st Century, supplies are running short and global thermostat is running high.”
True to type, by 2008, over 2.3 million people in six leading countries in green jobs, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Spain, and the United States, were employed in this low-carbon sector. It is in this regard that it is worthy of note that the Green Economy is not just a passing environmental craze but rather, one of the best solutions available for sustainable economic growth with recognition of the social factor.
The time for switching to a green economy is now as we celebrate WED so as to make a global move to low-carbon economy while creating avenues for millions could be lifted from poverty. That is why the Executive Director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, stated thus: “The findings underline that (the green economy) can include millions more people in terms of overcoming poverty and delivering improved livelihoods for this and future generations. It is a positive message of opportunity in a troubled world of challenges.” This happenstance would enable the world to emerge into a new world order from what obtains today whereby, the industrial revolution and technology plus other obnoxious human practices have led to climate change.
Nigeria too has to embrace the Green Economy by investing in green industries, renewable energies, waste management and clean technologies that will ultimately lead to economic growth and little damage to the ecosystem.
Furthermore, what better period is there to work towards sustainable development than now, with Rio+20 around the corner? It is anticipated that this year's WED theme: Green Economy: Does it include you? Will influence deliberation at the environmental conference and countries such as Nigeria and the developed world, will work out modalities on targets and agreements to assist halt environmental degradation around the world.
Damian Daga
Published 6th June, 2012 in The Voice Newspaper.
When the world first celebrated the World Environment Day in 1973, it was a mile stone event geared towards increasing public awareness on the importance of the environment. For factual purposes, there wouldn't be a world without the environment and a healthy and clean one for that matter. The day as implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) holds every year's 5th June to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action. The day which is similar to Earth Day opens avenues for discussions and concerted actions towards reclaiming the earth and preventing or correcting degradation and other activities that gradually destroy the earth.
As the world yesterday celebrated the environment in this year's (2012) event, the show of undiluted love and need to reinvigorate our actions towards a better environment for sustainable development was aptly covered by the theme: Green Economy: Does it include you? This brings some pertinent questions to the fore.
According to UNEP, Green Economy, which commonly refers to the alternative and more sustainable way of doing business in the world, aims at an improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. So to say, green economy could be considered as an economic environment that achieves low carbon emissions, resource efficiency and at the same time is socially inclusive.
The initiative of green economy came to the front burner in late 2008. With green economy in place, it is envisioned that the provision of comprehensive and practical working machinery, through scrutiny and policy support for investing in green sectors and in greening environmental unfriendly sectors would be achieved.
In practical terms, green economy gives rise to growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, there needs to be a melting point for these investments with support by targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and regulation changes.
By and large, green economy most times seems complex for the common man in as much as it concerns him, which brings up the pertinent question from the 2012 WED theme; what does green economy mean to you? Literary, as much as Green Economy is about social equity and inclusiveness, then technically and practically, it is all about you, you and definitely us all.
Regrettably, here in Nigeria, the emphasis of green economy is yet to make firm grounds, save for Cross Rivers State, which has made bold moves to save her rainforest and in return, has benefited from carbon credit in the REDD++ programme.
Although one may ask why all the fuss about green economy, without recourse to the benefits in terms of environment and other options for sustainability, investing in green economy also creates multitudes of jobs. Needless to emphasise, jobs generation enhances economic growth in any country.
Little wonder, United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, at the last World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland, advocated for a shift to a Green Economy. In his words; “we mined our way to growth, we burnt our way to prosperity. We believe in consumption without consequences. Those days are gone. In the 21st Century, supplies are running short and global thermostat is running high.”
True to type, by 2008, over 2.3 million people in six leading countries in green jobs, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Spain, and the United States, were employed in this low-carbon sector. It is in this regard that it is worthy of note that the Green Economy is not just a passing environmental craze but rather, one of the best solutions available for sustainable economic growth with recognition of the social factor.
The time for switching to a green economy is now as we celebrate WED so as to make a global move to low-carbon economy while creating avenues for millions could be lifted from poverty. That is why the Executive Director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, stated thus: “The findings underline that (the green economy) can include millions more people in terms of overcoming poverty and delivering improved livelihoods for this and future generations. It is a positive message of opportunity in a troubled world of challenges.” This happenstance would enable the world to emerge into a new world order from what obtains today whereby, the industrial revolution and technology plus other obnoxious human practices have led to climate change.
Nigeria too has to embrace the Green Economy by investing in green industries, renewable energies, waste management and clean technologies that will ultimately lead to economic growth and little damage to the ecosystem.
Furthermore, what better period is there to work towards sustainable development than now, with Rio+20 around the corner? It is anticipated that this year's WED theme: Green Economy: Does it include you? Will influence deliberation at the environmental conference and countries such as Nigeria and the developed world, will work out modalities on targets and agreements to assist halt environmental degradation around the world.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Waste Management in Makurdi: Enhancing less GHG emission
By Damian Daga
Published in The Voice, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012.
Waste management is usually said to be big business but it is also a climate threatening business, if not properly carried out. In the developed world and big cities, more advanced means of disposing and treating waste is employed but the scenario is a little different in small towns such as the Benue State capital – Makurdi in Nigeria.
Makurdi, created in 1970 became a state capital in 1976 when Benue State was created. It is predominantly made up of civil servants and the population is roughly pegged at 300,317, according to the 2006 National Population Census. However, the population of this town according to other indicators which include the increase in new layouts, schools and sprouting businesses, as well as establishments is rapidly rising. In tandem with the rising population is the rising waste disposal and need to rightly create waste, dispose it and of course, properly manage the disposal.
Activities of the Benue State Environmental Sanitation Agency (BENSESA) in line with refuse or waste disposal is commendable on the premise of their effort, especially within the last one year in ensuring that their waste disposal trucks comb the nooks and crannies of Makurdi metropolis on a regular basis. The agency has also made available, waste dump sites at strategic spots for resident’s convenience in depositing waste which is removed at short intervals.
However, the good work of BENSESA and the so called resident’s new awareness on disposing waste would come to nought, if the side effect of the practiced form of waste disposal and management is not corrected. So to say, the act of dumping refuse at open dump sites at Agboughul has dire consequence on the earth’s atmosphere and by extension, climate change.
So to say, better management of waste in Makurdi can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and, if high rates of recycling and possibly incineration with energy recovery are attained, the net greenhouse gas emissions may even become negative.
By implication, this could be interpreted in a way that the waste management in the Benue State capital would contribute to meeting the targets of the Kyoto Protocol. One may erroneous say Makurdi’s waste management scheme is on a low side therefore, there is no cause for alarm; however, there is every need to start off her waste management on a firm and environmental friendly track in order to mitigate climate change effects in her own little way; after all, charity begins at home.
For avoidance of doubt, greenhouse gas which is usually abbreviated GHG is a gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the earth; without them, earth’s surface would be on average about 33 °C (59 °F) colder than what obtains now.
It could be recalled that since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the burning of fossil fuels has contributed to the increase of GHG’s in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 390 ppm, however, much of it too are put into the atmosphere via waste management practices.
Apart from some greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide which occur naturally and are emitted into the atmosphere through natural processes and human activities; others, are solely created and emitted through human activities. They include:
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) occurs through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), ‘solid waste’, trees and wood products etc.
Methane (CH4) is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also result from livestock and other agricultural practices and by the ‘decay of organic waste in urban solid waste landfills.’
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of fossil fuels and ‘solid waste.’
As earlier stated, it may seem to the carefree reader that the impact of these greenhouse gases on the atmosphere in Makurdi may be infinitesimal but the long run effect is potent and greatly responsible for global warming potential and hence, climate change.
It is in this regard that the Benue State government should encourage BENSESA to improve on sustainable use and management of wastes. Furthermore, the intervention would ensure the emergence of significant and overall reduction in the volumes of waste generated through waste prevention initiatives with new awareness by the populace in aspects of sustainable production and consumption patterns. Needless to emphasis, a considerable lessening in the quantity of waste disposal will ultimately lead to less volumes of hazardous waste produced.
Suffice to add that the populace being encouraged to re-use of several items would drastically reduce the risk of GHG’s emission and climate change dangers.
On the other hand, the state needs to embrace and give focus to recovery processes such as recycling. This process greatly keeps many difficult to degrade materials in use for a longer period. More so, the process of disposing or recycling waste should be located in proximity to waste generating source. This arrangement no doubt, would reduce the tedious process of conveying waste across far distance thereby concomitantly increasing GHG emission via gasoline fumes of dispatch trucks. If this is done, the extent of efficiency in the state would be increased and she could become a model just like Lagos State has become through the aid of her Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA).
Another worrisome aspect of waste disposal in the state is the practice of some private waste disposal companies who have miscellaneous illegal means of dumping waste by deserted roadside or other in other un-approved sites. Although, the General Manager BENSESA, Ediga Akpa recently said these private waste disposal companies licences have been withdrawn because of their obnoxious practices, some of this private waste management companies still operate.
Residents too do not help the situation as many burn their waste, drop their waste indiscriminately etc, whereas, this waste could be channelled into energy at landfills where the gas is captured and converted to better use thereby making it bug business.
A resident of New GRA, an area in Makurdi who pleaded anonymity told TheVoiceEnvironment that the state environmental and sanitation agency doesn’t come their way so they result to disposing their refuse by burning. According to the interviewee, she would not mind if the agency could sell to them disposable polythene and waste bins and charge them a fee for disposing the waste therein. “This arrangement among others would help the agency generate revenue and also place it in a better position to treat and manage waste to conform to global carbon footprint reduction and environmental friendliness,” she advised.
In other words, waste management in the state ought to be upgraded, preparatory to the rapid rate of urbanization and population growth so as to mitigate the emission of green house gases such as methane. There is no better time to embark on this worthy and globally accepted standard in order to truly ensure a cleaner, healthier environment in not just Makurdi, but the world at large.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Bats: Protecting the flying mammal
Damian Daga
Published in The Voice, Wednesday 16th May, 2012.
It is no longer news that bats are the only mammals that can fly. It is however news that this nocturnal creatures, which have modified hands and arms that serve as wings, capable of sustained flight are gradually becoming endangered.
This mammal which has been in existence for close to 50 million years has nearly 1000 living species which according to Encarta Encyclopedia accounts for almost a quarter of all mammal species. The species are divided into two major groups, the first being the Megachiroptera, or mega-bats which are large and commonly known as Old World fruit bats because they are mainly fruit-eaters. These bats are only found in tropical habitats of Africa, India, and Australasia. The second group, the Microchiroptera, or micro-bats are smaller and eat a variety of foods, from small mammals to fish.
Although history long fallacy by people who considered bats to be dangerous and frightful creatures of the night has come and gone, they continue to be wrongly and unjustifiably accused to be evil or carriers of diseases. It could be recalled that medieval superstition held sway that bats are blood suckers and carriers of rabies. However, studies give evidence to the contrary. Averagely, in the United States of America, only one person per year dies from rabid bat, a bite which is less than those who die from dog bites or bee stings; although, it is possible that some bats may carry some deadly virus. In Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, there is no record of bat bite.
In Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria, bats could be said to be diminishing in numbers due to a change in their habitats with more construction being carried out and trees felled. The hitherto biggest colony and abode of bats which used to be the Benue State Government House premises/environs and parts of the Old GRA area has witnessed massive felling of trees and renovation/construction of buildings which have disseminated the bat population.
Against certain beliefs that the bat is blind, most bats have excellent vision. Bats use echolocation to see. “They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them. So, while bats may travel in total darkness, they “see” using sound,” says VOA’s Mario Ritter.
The United Nation’s declaration of 2011 and 2012 as the “Year of the Bat” is a campaign aimed at strengthening ways of protecting the only flying mammal. According to submissions by conservationists, over one-fifth of all bat species are under threat. They are faced with threats such as disease and the human destruction of their natural environments. A disease such as the white-nose syndrome is responsible for deaths of bats. Statistically, the Bat Conservation International says “white-nose syndrome has killed more than a million bats since it was discovered in a New York cave in 2006 while in some areas, the disease has killed nearly one hundred percent of bat populations.”
Interestingly though, bats are very important for agriculture and a stable environment. Bats are agents of plants pollination and they spread seeds. They pollinate at least 500 species which includes mangoes, bananas, cashews, figs, agave (from which tequila is produced) and dates. There is no gain saying, without bats night pollinating activities, it is likely that many bat-pollinated plants—and the many animals that depend on them for food and shelter—may go extinct. Bats droppings also produce a nitrogen-rich fertilizer known as guano.
Bats which can eat large numbers of insects also help control insects; this includes types that damage crops. The brown bat alone is said to eat more than one thousand insects in an hour. Invariably, as reported by Science Magazine in 2011, bats insects eating habit saves farmers money in areas they thrive, as they reduce need for use of insecticides/pesticides. Another advantage of bats in the reduction of the use of chemicals for farming includes the adverse effect chemicals have on the environment, humans and wildlife.
Bats importance stretches into the medical industry as some of them carry a substance in their saliva which is used in the manufacture of a medicine for stroke, just as that of the vampire bats of Mexico and South America are used to make drugs for the human heart.
It is on this premise that the National Geographic article which sought to demystify the epauleted bat and its plight in the face of human efforts at eradication either as pest or delicacy, comes to the fore. The fact that the bat is used by many as delicacy too leads to their eradication in many numbers.
In many climes such as the Tiv speaking part of Benue State, certain persons enjoy bat as a source of meat and protein. A Vandeikya based transporter and graduate of Political Science from the Kogi State University, Peter Orshi says he enjoys bat delicacy once in a while. He however adds that it is rare as bat population seems to be dwindling and not too people many people care to hunt them for meat nowadays.
A tutor in the Department of Biology at Vaatia College, Makurdi Benue State and B.Sc.Ed graduate, Emmanuel Nyigba opined that although he doesn’t eat bats, people do because of its source of protein.
According to him, bats play a vital role in the maintenance of the eco-system hence; the government and indeed, others should exercise restraint in destroying their habitats.
“Conservation of bats is important and needs to be encouraged in all quarters and clime,” added Nyigba.
There is every need to salvage the remaining population of bats in our environment and it starts with sensitization and awareness of their true nature and importance. With the effort in the United States, where nearly 40 percent of native bat species are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act adoption of such conservation strategies by other countries will protect already fraught local populations of bats.
A cue should be taken by governments and organizations from the World Conservation Union (also known as IUCN) and Bat Conservation International who have volunteered through sponsorship to save bats populations.
“Not acting is not an option because the life histories of these flying, nocturnal mammals – characterized by long generation times and low reproductive rates –mean that population recovery is unlikely for decades or even centuries, if at all,” said Gary McCracken, Head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville USA.
To this end, many precautions and studies on the effect of urbanization as it affect bats population should be carried out; after all, these flying mammals play very important roles in our ecosystem.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Climate change education: The media role
Climate change education: The media role
By Damian Daga
Published Wednesday, 6th May, 2012 in The Voice
The emergence of climate change impact is felt globally and has assumed the front burner status in environmental and sustainable development issues. In this case, the need for climate change and environmental education has become imperative, viz-a-viz the media’s role in championing the cause, in order to cushion the effect of climate change/environmental education illiteracy.
Environmental education helps to draw a graphic understanding of the causes and effect of positive and negative aspects, of both global and local issues of both short term and long term, direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Environmental education further boils down to creating an avenue for noting that climate change among others are real, with debilitating effects, such effects include disrupted ecosystems, seasonal circles, water needs, food production, and agriculture. Other adverse effects of climate change result to drought, floods, poverty, malnutrition and several health and socio-economic problems among other vast effects.
Indicators point to the fact that most of Nigeria’s ecosystems are threatened by climate change and it will create more problems for a population of over 160 million already weighed down by impoverishment.
Therefore, the media’s role in climate change and environmental education cannot be over emphasized. It ought to be given priority as the media is duly equipped (if properly harnessed) to play a critical role in communicating environmental and climate change issues to the public. This would ultimately enhance sustainable development.
Suffice to say, coping with climate change is a major problem not just for Nigeria but the world at large. It is obvious too that, although people have began to observe changes in the climate, however, they do not know what to do about it. To this end, it is rightly the media’s role in consonance with its dictates of “informing” and “educating” to step up and throw more light on the happenstance of climate change.
With the media actively engaged in climate change education, the dearth of environmental education will be revived to a status of an effective guide for the public to come to terms with issues bordering on weather, climate change and environmental protection, etc.
So to say, the media’s potency as an effective mobilization, informative and education tool is not in doubt. Considerably, the media played a pivotal role in disaster and crisis management in the past and can do same in the scope of climate change education, just like it did for HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns.
Basically, what the media needs as a very first step in a successful climate change educational drive is, regular and accurate dissemination of the issues of concerned with a usage of the best possible simple presentations, which would substitute most scientific jargons for easier understanding, then greater understanding of climate change would be realized. Bringing to bear the fact of media as the fourth realm, it could influence a change from the perceived government’s un-preparedness to keep abreast, climate change and environmental issues and education. Seemingly, two out of three environmental analysts have opined that the Nigerian government (as well as state governments) disregards the grave danger of climate change to the nation’s economy and resources.
A knock also goes the media way as some media houses are criticised for not given emphasis to the burning issue of climate change and the environment. It has become common to see several pages on politics and business in newspapers and magazines but none on the environment.
A pertinent question arises; if the government and especially the media do not impart the knowledge of climate change to the masses, who will? Your answer is as good as this writer’s, therefore, it behooves the media to chart a course in giving prominence to climate change issues and indeed the whole environment so that the masses too would know of the implications of their actions or in-actions in the environment and the disaster.
Managing climate change through the media is truly an enviable height because without it, adequately achieving sustainable development through climate change education is near impossible. It is this same media that serves as a demystifying parameter of usually confusing scientific terms in the process of communication on climate change.
For more efficient media role in propagating climate change education, especially in Nigeria and Africa as a whole, the following should be observed: climate change awareness should be encouraged among journalists; enhanced coordination between government and the media; more donor participation by organizations in the sphere of climate change; and the provision of more resources by media houses for coverage of climate change stories.
By and large, even with the seeming hurdles faced by the media in climate change education in Nigeria, there is a modest improvement. To that effect, the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Ministry of Environment may be repositioning for general environmental issues awareness and sustainable development. This could be noted from the recent hosting of stakeholders to a brainstorming meeting with a view to drawing out a policy document for presentation at this year’s Rio+ 20.
To this end, it is only proper to put all hands on deck in the media world to be in the fore front understanding climate change and ways to mitigate its effects. The media by right as an agenda setting mechanism can, and should never shy away from this onerous task of educating the masses on climate.
By Damian Daga
Published Wednesday, 6th May, 2012 in The Voice
The emergence of climate change impact is felt globally and has assumed the front burner status in environmental and sustainable development issues. In this case, the need for climate change and environmental education has become imperative, viz-a-viz the media’s role in championing the cause, in order to cushion the effect of climate change/environmental education illiteracy.
Environmental education helps to draw a graphic understanding of the causes and effect of positive and negative aspects, of both global and local issues of both short term and long term, direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Environmental education further boils down to creating an avenue for noting that climate change among others are real, with debilitating effects, such effects include disrupted ecosystems, seasonal circles, water needs, food production, and agriculture. Other adverse effects of climate change result to drought, floods, poverty, malnutrition and several health and socio-economic problems among other vast effects.
Indicators point to the fact that most of Nigeria’s ecosystems are threatened by climate change and it will create more problems for a population of over 160 million already weighed down by impoverishment.
Therefore, the media’s role in climate change and environmental education cannot be over emphasized. It ought to be given priority as the media is duly equipped (if properly harnessed) to play a critical role in communicating environmental and climate change issues to the public. This would ultimately enhance sustainable development.
Suffice to say, coping with climate change is a major problem not just for Nigeria but the world at large. It is obvious too that, although people have began to observe changes in the climate, however, they do not know what to do about it. To this end, it is rightly the media’s role in consonance with its dictates of “informing” and “educating” to step up and throw more light on the happenstance of climate change.
With the media actively engaged in climate change education, the dearth of environmental education will be revived to a status of an effective guide for the public to come to terms with issues bordering on weather, climate change and environmental protection, etc.
So to say, the media’s potency as an effective mobilization, informative and education tool is not in doubt. Considerably, the media played a pivotal role in disaster and crisis management in the past and can do same in the scope of climate change education, just like it did for HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns.
Basically, what the media needs as a very first step in a successful climate change educational drive is, regular and accurate dissemination of the issues of concerned with a usage of the best possible simple presentations, which would substitute most scientific jargons for easier understanding, then greater understanding of climate change would be realized. Bringing to bear the fact of media as the fourth realm, it could influence a change from the perceived government’s un-preparedness to keep abreast, climate change and environmental issues and education. Seemingly, two out of three environmental analysts have opined that the Nigerian government (as well as state governments) disregards the grave danger of climate change to the nation’s economy and resources.
A knock also goes the media way as some media houses are criticised for not given emphasis to the burning issue of climate change and the environment. It has become common to see several pages on politics and business in newspapers and magazines but none on the environment.
A pertinent question arises; if the government and especially the media do not impart the knowledge of climate change to the masses, who will? Your answer is as good as this writer’s, therefore, it behooves the media to chart a course in giving prominence to climate change issues and indeed the whole environment so that the masses too would know of the implications of their actions or in-actions in the environment and the disaster.
Managing climate change through the media is truly an enviable height because without it, adequately achieving sustainable development through climate change education is near impossible. It is this same media that serves as a demystifying parameter of usually confusing scientific terms in the process of communication on climate change.
For more efficient media role in propagating climate change education, especially in Nigeria and Africa as a whole, the following should be observed: climate change awareness should be encouraged among journalists; enhanced coordination between government and the media; more donor participation by organizations in the sphere of climate change; and the provision of more resources by media houses for coverage of climate change stories.
By and large, even with the seeming hurdles faced by the media in climate change education in Nigeria, there is a modest improvement. To that effect, the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Ministry of Environment may be repositioning for general environmental issues awareness and sustainable development. This could be noted from the recent hosting of stakeholders to a brainstorming meeting with a view to drawing out a policy document for presentation at this year’s Rio+ 20.
To this end, it is only proper to put all hands on deck in the media world to be in the fore front understanding climate change and ways to mitigate its effects. The media by right as an agenda setting mechanism can, and should never shy away from this onerous task of educating the masses on climate.
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